Learning reiki Anyone can learn the art of Reiki. No act of faith or special knowledge is required; it has no contraindications and can be practised at any age, anywhere and at any time. Reiki is especially useful in the care professions and for people working in health and social services to prevent situations of burnout, loss of motivation and occupational stress. The teaching of the Reiki method is divided into three levels, or degrees. L’apprendimento del metodo Reiki è strutturato in tre livelli.
Activities The Cerchiodiluce association organises seminars for teaching the Reiki technique. Information on seminars is given below. If you are interested in taking part, please check the calendar of activities in the agenda or contact us.
FIRST DEGREE SEMINARS Designed for learning the basic techniques and principles of self-treatment and the treatment of others. These are two-day events during which 4 attunements are administered. In 2016 the seminars will be held on 22-23 ottobre; 19-20 novembre ; 3-4 dicembre 2016 - Camilla Guillaume t. 334 7112608 1-2 ottobre 2016; 3-4 dicembre 2016 Cristiana Catino t. 335 694 47 31 Summary of the first degree programme: - a short history of Reiki and of Mikao Usui - how to use Reiki - dynamic and meditative exercises for the development of mental presence, energy touch and listening - the principal treatments on self and others - reference concepts of the physiology and anatomy of the energy body - treatment of energy centres for rebalancing and for states of stress and anxiety - control and management of emotional states: the principles of ReikiSECOND DEGREE SEMINARS These make it possible to work at levels of profound awareness and consciousness through three energy keys/symbols. Access to this level, when it is felt necessary, can be made after assiduous practice of all treatments. The seminar lasts one and a half days, during which one attunement is administered. Previous attendance at a first degree seminar is required. Summary of second degree programme: - explanation, practice and meditation on the three Reiki energy symbols/keys. - explanation and practice of treatments with the use of energy symbols/keys. - practice of Reiki meditation for empathetic listening and closeness.
REIKI MASTER A seminar for those who are immensely grateful to Reiki and desire to be of service, taking on the responsibility of teaching others. Intensive practice of first and second degree Reiki techniques is required.